The project repository contains several Python scripts which serve various purposes. All scripts are located in the /scripts directory. The majority of them use argparse, and will print a help message when the -h flag is used. Many of the scripts rely on the .env file in the root of the repository in order to execute as intended.


The admin script,, has three purposes: list all site admins, make a user an admin, and remove a user’s admin status.

Listing Admins

The following command can be used to list all site admins:

$ python3 scripts/ --list

Making Admins

To make a user an admin, the user’s email address must be used in the command below:

$ python3 scripts/ --add <email>

Removing Admins

Removing a user’s admin status is nearly the same process. Again, the user’s email address must be known and used in the following command:

$ python3 scripts/ --remove <email>


The database script,, allows developers to interact with the application’s MySQL database directly through the command line. No arguments are required to run this script:

$ python3 scripts/

Please note that, again, this is the application’s one and only database, and any potentially destructive SQL code should be executed in a controlled setting (i.e. a transaction).

Environment Variables

This script,, is not meant to be used by itself. It reads the contents of the .env file in the root of the project repository and provides the data in a more Python-friendly format. The script is used by other scripts, specifically the ones that need access to sensitive environment variables such as the database URL.


The test script,, should be run after any change to the application at the service layer or when any automated tests have been changed. There are two main modes to this script: backend mode and emulation mode.

Backend Testing

Running the script in backend mode will run all tests in /test/services. The backend tests are designed to check every method in the service layer, while also generating coverage numbers and a coverage report. Backend tests can be run using the command:

$ python3 scripts/ --backend

Emulation Testing

Running the script in emulation mode will test the frontend on several browsers and across a variety of devices using the tests in /test/ui. Screenshots of each page tested per browser per device will be generated and saved to /screenshots. Emulation tests can be run using the command:

$ python3 scripts/ --emulation


The CSV script,, will export specified tables from the database into CSV format. It can be used with the following command:

$ python3 scripts/ --out <output path> --table <table name> --fields <column names>

Column names are optional. If column names are not provided, all columns in the table will be exported.