Delete all of a post's votes.
A post's ID.
Delete all of a user's votes.
A user's ID.
Get the number of votes a post has of a given vote type.
A post's ID.
The type of vote.
The number of votes a post has of the given vote type.
Get the type of vote a user has made on a post.
A user's ID.
A post's ID.
The type of vote the user made on the post.
Get all of the votes on a post.
A post's ID.
All of the votes on a post.
Get all of a user's post votes.
A user's ID.
All of a user's votes.
Get a post vote record.
A user's ID.
A post's ID.
The post vote record.
Get all post vote records.
All post vote records.
Unvote a post.
A user's ID.
A post's ID.
Vote on a post.
A user's ID.
A post's ID.
The type of vote.
Check if a post has been voted on by a user.
A user's ID.
A post's ID.
Whether or not the post has been voted on by a user.
Generated using TypeDoc
Post vote services